He says this is fraudulent because no one will ever see this monument due to the inaccessibility of the terrain. “One cannot arrive in Kazani even by jeep, let alone some other vehicle. What then would such a monument serve? This is the very goal of the Sarajevo authorities – for no one to ever see it, particularly not foreigners and those visiting Sarajevo,” Jovicic said.
According to him, if they are “so generous,” why don’t they erect a monument in the centre of Sarajevo, like they erected a monument in a park to children killed in the war?
Jovicic said that the monument would only serve the Bosniak authorities to say that they allegedly paid their debt to innocent Serbs killed in the war.
“This is a well thought-out deception by the originator of the idea, Svetozar Pudaric. I must remind him on behalf of the Republika Srpska Alliance of Former Camp Inmates that I have been asking for 15 years that at least a plaque be erected at one location at least where Serbs were detained, but they never allowed it,” Jovicic said.
He recollected the attempt to put a memorial plaque in the yard of the Viktor Bubanj garrison in 2003, when representatives of the Alliance barely saved their lives from so-called multiethnic Sarajevo.
Jovicic, who himself was imprisoned at the Silos camp, says it is known that there were 124 camps in Sarajevo where the Muslim authorities held and killed Serbs, but now the Sarajevo authorities, he says, have much better locations to erect a monument to Serbs killed in the war.
“When Pudaric, who launched the idea, finally commits to erecting a monument to Serbs heinously killed in the BiH capital, where he spent the whole war and was a member of the so-called BiH Army, why not erect it, say, in the yard of the present BiH Court and Prosecution Building – the former Viktor Bubanj garrison – where a camp for Serbs was run and where dozens of innocent Serbs were killed in most monstrous ways?” Jovicic asks.
FBiH Vice-President Svetozar Pudaric and Sarajevo Mayor
Alija Behmen yesterday signed a cooperation agreement on erecting a
monument to Serbs and Croats killed in Kazani in 1993.The initiative to erect a monument in Kazani, on the slopes of Mount Trebevic, where Serbs and Croats were killed from mid-1992 to October 1993 and their bodies thrown into a pit, was launched two years ago.
After the war, the mortal remains of 29 persons were removed from the pit in Kazani.
The number of those killed has never been officially determined, and many feel that some of the killers are still at large.
Since 1994, 14 members of the so-called BiH Army were sentenced to prison terms ranging from ten months to six years for the crimes committed in Kazani.