Intelligence Report
CANVAS - Center for Applied NonViolent Action and Strategies


Srdja Popovic - Ivan Marovic
Biography of Srdja Popovic
He started out as a
activist in Serbia by founding the group “Otpor”
which led the protests that drove President Slobodan Milosevic from
power in 2000. At that period the American services invested more
than 100 millionDollars for that purpose.Popvic then exported his
nonviolent methods, helping train the activists who spearheaded
Georgia’s Rose Revolution in 2003 and Ukraine’s Orange Revolution
in 2004.
Popovic is deploying his new organization, called Canvas, even
fartheraffiliate – assisting
the “pro-democracy ” activists who recently
brought down regimesin Egypt and Tunisia, mostly through the use of
Facebok, Twitter, Skyp and othersmass social networks. Most of the
mass social networks is use to recruit potentialstudents, but that is
not exclusive source for recruitments. Most of the candidate
fromforeign countries are recruited by US both Military Intelligence
or directly by CIA operatives and “sleepers”.
was founded in 2003 and has trained dissidents in 50 countries,
including Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Burma, North Korea, Belarus, and Iran.
In the late summer of 2009 the group collaborated with other NGOs to
bringapproximately 20 Egyptian activists - including some
of those who later founded theApril 6 movement that spearheaded the
recent antigovernment protests - to Belgradefor a week of
training on tactics they could use to promote change in Egypt.
Veteransof Serbia's Otpor movement went on to create an organization
that trains would-berebels in the art of peaceful revolution. They
trained one of the main youth groups at the center of Egypt's
revolution, and believe that influenced the Libyan rebellion."It
islikely that some Libyan youth groups got the idea on how to oust
Gadhafi from the Egyptian activists whom we have trained," said
former Otpor leader Srdja Popovic.
and Canvas in Egypt Symbol of Otpor in Serbia
evidence of relations between Otpor in Serbia and Egypt)
Milicevic, the founder of Alternative to Europe NGO, helped with the
training.He says he talked to the Egyptians about organizing
campaigns, and how to use socialmedia to reach both of these goals.
and country of operations
Canvas maintains training programs for dissidents in: Egypt,
Palestine,Western Sahara, Libya, Lebanon, Columbia, West Papua,
Sudan, Eritrea, Belarus,Burma, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Venezuela, Tonga,
China, Burma and Zimbabwe , apartfrom those mentioned above. Otpor
activists have set up the Centre for Non-ViolentResistance. After
having helped youth movements from Tbilisi in 2003, they got
incontact with Pora, the biggest Ukrainian youth opposition movement
in the spring of2004. In April there were even some eighteen young
people that traveled to Serbia fora course on organizational and
negotiation skills, street protest tactics, and how tomonitor the
elections to be able to fight possible fraud. Some of OTPORs
memberstried to travel to Kiev to join in the protest, yet they were
stopped at the airport. Still,their experiences have helped youth
groups to act, both in Tbilisi and Kiev. Althoughattempts to do the
same in Belarus and Ghana failed, Otpor believes it was becausethe
time was not right for it, but that in the future the same familiar
images will ariseagain.
USA connections Amongst CANVAS's current "partners"
are the Albert Einstein Institution, NationalEndowment for
Democracy (NED), Freedom House, US Agency forInternational
Development (USAID) and the International Republican
Institute (IRI). The IRI includes amongst its board of directors
John McCain, LindseyGraham, and Brent Scowcroft.
a look at their activities and the overall globalist agenda, it is
clear they areinvolved in regime change that will directly assist the
globalists in their encirclementof Russia, China and Iran. For
example CANVAS just recently opens specialssection of their web site
with updates and additional translations of Canvas publication in
Farsi (Persian) language. The institutes and think-tanks
mentionedabove are directly linked to intelligence agencies in the
United States for decades.
to CIA & US. Military Intelligence (Network of CIA & US.
MIoperatives under the umbrella of so called NGO) One of the key
CIA operatives in the Serbia organizing and orchestrating hugenetwork
of CIA operatives and supporters is William D. Montgomery (58)
very powerful man in Serbia. He is main coordinator of activities
with two connectednetworks. One in US and one in Serbia US
Network for financial and logistic support:
Army Col. Robert Helvey, US Military Intelligence with close tie
withCIA. He is master of FM3-05.30 and FM3-05.40 (Physiological
Operationsand Civil Affaires Operations).The core of this Network is
organize in essence by (4th Psychological
OperationsGroup – Airborne)
1ST (Psihological Operations Battalion)
2. 3D
Psihological Operations Battalion – AIRBORNE
4. 6ST
Psihological Operations Battalion
5. 8TH
Psihological Operations Battalion
6. 9TH
Psihological Operations BattalionIt is predictable that all above
mentioned units are engaged in Secret War againstChina , Russia and
Iran as one of the three ultimate targets of US (State
B. McCarthy from the Washington-based NED (Suspect
L. Pressley, the assistant administrator at USAID (Suspect
Albert Cevallos of the USIP (Suspect CIA operatives)
Calingaert, an official with IRI (Suspect CIA operatives)
Sharp, is Senior Scholar at the Albert Einstein Institution and
foundedthe Institution in 1983 (Suspect senior CIA operatives)Special
Attention to Mr.Steve Hanke. American cititizen but with German
origin. Financial expert. US Government engage Mr. Hanke in all
turbulent zones andcountries most of the times he is present in
countries before the overthow of theregime and he leves country upon
establishing "marionetic government". He is verywell know
in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Nikaraguva, Panama, Zair….etc…and
mostrecently in the East European countris such as Serbia, Bulgaria,
Montenegro, Russia etc…Steve Hanke is associated with many
organizations. One of notorius organization suspected that it
was established as "cover" organization for CIAoperation is
Democratic Century Fund. DCF operate under the National
DemocraticInstitute (nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to
support and strengthendemocratic institutions worldwide through
citizen participation, openness andaccountability in government).
Mr.Steve Hanke is also associate with FranchIntelligence Service
(DGSE) particulary with Mr.Patric Faure. One of his specialitiesis
dealing with huge ammounts of falsificate money (Case Nigeria, Serbia
and Kuwait).
network for special operations
institutions (infiltration of CIA in Serbia)
part of his own party? Or is he so certain that the people of Serbia
have short memories?Unfortunately for him, there are people who do
remember, and find his fawning overOtpor curious when he did not have
time to attend the important anniversaries of theSerbian Academy of
Sciences or the Kolarac Endowment, one of the greatest
Serbiancultural foundations. The promotion of Otpor and its
anniversary was pure selfish political marketing for the President
and his party. Perhaps it is not sufficiently “European” to
support the Academy of Arts and Sciences as the repository of
national knowledge and learning, or national cultural and
endowment heritage that might– thehorror!
– promote
patriotism. Their foreign masters consider this absolutelyundesirable
and a waste of precious TV minutes, paper and ink.
foreign understanding of Serbia’s democracy is illustrated in the
RTS report about Sonja Liht, former Open Society Fund director
and now leading a NGO called “Fund for Political
Exceptionalism”, receiving the highest French decoration,
the Legion of Honor. In the words of the French Ambassador, she
received the medal as “the embodiment of all the values of
civil society, which best represent the Europeanfuture of Serbia and
exemplify her personal dedication to the European way”. It is
the right of every sovereign country to decorate the citizens of
another country atits own discretion, of course. The French policy
towards Serbia over the past decadehas been uniformly destructive,
however. So have the political and other activities of Sonja Liht and
her old and new “NGO”. But the ceremony was attended by
thecurrent Defense Minister (and DS deputy chairman) Dragan
Šutanovac. Why?But it gets better. In 2002, Marović and Popović
established a separate “NGO,” with Strategies – CANVAS),
in order to transfer the lessons they were taught by American
instructors to other “activists” around the world. Their
“students” have been from Egypt, Palestine, Western Sahara,
West Papua, Eritrea, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Tonga, Burmaand Zimbabwe,
as well as labor, anti-war, and immigration rights activists in
the United States. Their ultimate goal is Russia and China. It
wasn’t enough for them to subvert Serbia for the benefit of
foreign governments – they have used Serbia as acenter
for subverting other countries around the world in the exact same
manner.Their involvement with American activists suggests that parts
of the U.S. governmentare openly subverting their own country as
well. To paraphrase Tacitus, they engagein treason and call it
Intelligence notes:
There is serious indication that OTPOR and Canavas cooperate and
supportorganization under the name YIHR - Youth initiative for human
rights. YIHR isfounded and largely staffed and financed by
Scientologists, its stated mission is "Toteach youth around the
globe about human rights, thus helping them to becomevaluable
advocates for the promotion of tolerance and peace.
2. Special attention need to be direct to following organization as well: The Sea Organization or Sea Org is an association of Scientologists and Dianetics (is a set ofideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body that was invented by the science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard and is practiced by followers of Scientology).
FPN Faculty
of PoliticalScience
of StateSecurity
of Administrative
of the SerbianParliament.
CANVAS established by OTPOR members
Byelorussia. Zimbabwe Georgia Egypt, Palestine, Iran Western Sahara,
Columbia, West Papua, Sudan, Eritrea, Burma, Bahrain, Azerbaijan,
Venezuela,Tonga, Russia, China, Syria, Most of the formermembers
of OTPOR are now members of DS or LDP Slobodan
Secretary of Justice US Army Col. Robert Helvey, US Military
Intelligence with close tie with CIA. He ismaster of FM3-05.30 and
FM3-05.40 (PhysiologicalOperations and Civil Affaires Operations).
all members of CANVAS (Otpor) in Serbia enjoy Government protection
as “protec ted individuals”. Furthermore, most of them
are politically active as member of Parliament orprominent members of
Government. That situation create picture that all of them and
wholeoperation is consider as Government of Serbia activities to
bring down governments in foreigncountries.
notice: Most of targeted governments did not recognize Kosovo and
Metohijaindependence. Looks that Serbia working against self.
finding CANVAS and jihadi activities
is info that one group of European based Uighur passed special
training inBelgrade in 2010 organize by Vukasin Pavlovic, dr Zoran
Stojiljkovic and dr Slavisa Orlovic in the Faculty of Political
Science University of Belgrade. It is still unclearrole of dr
Slavisa Orlovic, but dr Vukasin Pavlovic is long time CIA operatives.
Hisdirect contact with US Embassy in Belgrade is done by Ms.
Stojanovic Draginja employed in US Embassy in Belgrade
( All money andfinancial construction is done
by donation and grant of US Ebassy via Democracy Commission Small
Grants Program and USAID. The name, number and any data of Uighur
students is not available – it is a secret.One of the
instructor and person who visit students was SAFET EKREMDURGUTI
na Designation: na DOB: 10 May 1967 POB: Orahovac, Kosovo Good
qualitya.k.a.: na Low qualityva.k.a.: na Nationality: Bosnia and
Herzegovina Passport no. : Bosnia and Herzegovina passport number
4725900, issued in Travnik on 20 Oct. 2005, valid until 20 Oct. 2009
National identification no. : a) Bosnia and Herzegovina national
identity number JMB 1005967953038 b) Bosnia and Herzegovina identity
card number 04DFC71259 c) Bosnia and Herzegovina driving license
number 04DFA8802 issued by the Ministry of Interior of the Central
Bosnia Canton, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina Address: 175 Bosanska
Street, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina Listed on: 26 Dec. 2003
(amended on 16 Sep. 2008, 24 Mar. 2009) Other information: Father's
name: Ekrem. Founder and head of Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation
(listed under permanent reference number QE.A.71.02.) from 1998 until
2002. Reportedly located in Bosnia and Herzegovina as at Dec. 2008.
Also reported totravel often in the area of Kosovo. Working as a
teacher at Elci Ibrahim Pasha'sMadrasah, Travnik, Bosnia and
Herzegovina since Oct. 1994 to the present day (as at Dec. 2008). New
info. He was taken off from the list of Terrorist by US State
Department despite the fact that he was terrorist instructor in
charge of indoctrinationand special training and that he was one of
the establisher organization Vezir. Durgutiwas leading an
organization known as "Vezir" or "Vazir. "The UN
and US allege that Vezir is little more than a front for the
al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, based inTravnik, Bosnia, where
Durguti was last sighted. Vezir and al-Haramain were
heavily supported by Saudi charities and members proselytized
the fundamentalist Wahhabistrain of Islam. Safet Durguti establish
great network in Turkey with connection withEsast Turkestan Muvement.
Via Albanian network in Switzerand he is in touch with borothers
Bahtiyar Mahmud and Arkin Mahmud. Highly ranked western source
stated: From 4 steps against China the first two wasmade:1.It is
created network of agents (agents of influence) with special
assignent – creation of so called „rezonant box“.
All of this new agents passed special curses in Europe and
Central Asia during 2010. It is expected that network will be fully
operational inChina between 2020-2025.2.It was secured source of
is one of several organization engaged. It is to expect much more……at
least more from CANVAS. Their focus is located at Uighur and
Tibetans as well. As it isvisible main targets are youngster
particularly students. According to intelligencefindings there is
direct link between Srdja Popovic and Slobodan Djinovic withLhadon
Tethong, and Tenzin Tsundue. They are in direct e mail contacts. Same
withthe contacts in Arab world particularly in Egypt with so called
Egypt RebuildingCampaign. Safet Durguti work closely with Al Qaeda
web portal based in and
there is footage under the title” Hunting Muslim in
China” at…/…
Yehia Ayman Nabil Khaled Hamad Nosir Mohamed *Egyptian connection*
The Safet Durguti and his network try to influence European Uighur in
Europe as wellas in Turkey. He is not simple radical islamist. He is
trainer with special knowledge of brainwashing and training of
radical islamist. Safet Durguti by several intelligencereport is in
relation with Abu Yahya al Libi who was mujaheddin veteran of
Afghano-Bosnian war. Abu Yahya al Libi was connected with Abu al
Mali, militarycommander of Bosnian mujahidin. Abu al Mali according
to intelligence sources has code name “Vazal” which in
translation means “Servant”… to CIA. The generalconclusion is
that Safet Druguti, Abu Yahya al Libi and Abu al Mali are in
thenetwork of CIA regardless of official US State Department list
designation. Fact thatSafet Durguti was remove recently from UN
Security Council Watch List, fact thatAbu Yahya al Libi support
openly removal of Colenel Gadafi in Libiya and fact thatAbu al Mali
is CIA operative show big suspicion on future activities in reference
withUighur. Abu Yahya al Libi speak fluently Urdu and Arabic language
- Центар за примењену ненасилну акцију
и стратегије
Поповић - Иван Маровић
је Срђа Поповић?
је као про-демократски
у Србији оснивањем групе "Отпор"
који је водио протесте који су 2000. одвели
председника Слободана Милошевића са
власти. У том периоду су америчке службе
у ту сврху уложиле више од 100 милиона
америчких долара.
Поповић је тада наставио и своје ненасилне методе, помажући да обучи активисте у Грузији - револуција ружа 2003. и Украјинске револуције у 2004. години.
Срђан Поповић своју нову организацију, која се зове Канвас, ангажује помажући про-демократске активисти који су недавно срушили режим у Египту и Тунису, углавном употребом друштвених мрежа Фејсбук, Твитер и других. Већина масовних друштвених мрежа користи се за регрутовање потенцијалних студената, али то није искључиви извор за регрутовање. Већину кандидата из страних држава регрутује америчка војна обавештајна служба или директно ЦИА оперативци.
је основан 2003. године и обучавао је
дисиденте у 50 земаља, укључујући Зимбагве,
Либан, Бурму, Сјеверну Кореју, Бјелорусију
и Иран. Крајем љета 2009. године група је
сарађивала са другим невладиним
организацијама (НВО), како би довела
приближно 20 египатских активиста укључујући
неке од оних који су касније основали
покрет 6. априла који је предводио недавне
протесте против власти у Београду.
Недјељу дана вршена је обука о тактикама
које би могле да искористе за промјену
власти у Египту.
Ветерани српског покрета Отпор наставили су са стварањем организације "Канвас" како би широм свијета радили на рушењу система у многим државма. Они су тренирали једну од главних омладинских група у центру египатске револуције и вјерују да је то утицало на побуне у Либији.
је да су неке либијске омладинске групе
имале идеју о томе како да елиминишу и
изолују Гадафија од египатских активиста
које смо обучавали", рекао је бивши
Лидер Отпора Срђа Поповић.
и платно у Египту Симбол Отпора у Србији
докази односа Отпора у Србији и Египту)
Милићевић, оснивач невладине организације
Алтернатива Европи, помогао је у обуци.
Каже да је разговарао са Египћанима о
организовању кампања и како користити
друштвену средину за постизање оба ова
и земља пословања
Канвас одржава програме обуке за
дисиденте у: Египту, Палестини, Западној
Сахари, Либији, Либану, Колумбији,
Западној Папуи, Судану, Еритреји,
Бјелорусији, Бурми, Бахреину, Азербејџану,
Венецуели, Тонги, Кини, Бурми и Зимбабвеу
Активисти Отпора основали су Центар за ненасилни отпор. Након што су помогли омладинским покретима из Тбилисија 2003. године, ступили су у контакт са Пором, највећим украјинским опозиционим покретом за младе у прољеће 2004. године. У априлу је чак осамнаест младих људи који су путовали у Србију на курс о организационим и преговарачким вјештинама, тактикама уличних протеста и томе како надгледати изборе како би се могли борити против могуће преваре.
Неки из ОТПОР-а покушали су отпутовати у Кијев да би се придружили протестима, али ипак су заустављени на аеродрому. Ипак, њихова искуства помогла су омладинским групама да дјелују, како у Тбилисију, тако и у Кијеву. Иако покушаји да се исто уради у Бјелорусији и Гани нису успјели, у Отпору вуерују да је то било зато што вријеме није било за то, али да ће се у будућности појавити исте познате слике.
УСА везе
тренутним "партнерима" компаније
Алберт Еинстеин, Национална организација
за демократију (НЕД), Фреедом Хоусе
агенција за међународни развој (УСАИД), те
републички институт (ИРИ). ИРИ укључује
у свој одбор
Јохн МцЦаин, ЛиндсеиГрахам, и Брент
њихове активности и укупни глобалистички
програм, јасно је да су они укључени у
промјену режима која ће директно помоћи
глобалистима у њиховом окружењу - Русије,
Кине и Ирана. На примјер, недавно је
КАНВАС отворио спецјални одјељак свог
веб сајта са ажурирањима и додатним
преводима Канвас публикације на
перзијском језику. Институти и истраживачки
центри који су горе споменути директно
су деценијама повезани са обавештајним
агенцијама у Сједињеним Државама.
са ЦИА и САД.
обавештајна служба (Мрежа ЦИА и САД.
снаге под окриљем тзв. НВО)
од главних ЦИА оперативаца у Србији
који организује и оркестрира огромну
мрежу оперативаца и присталица ЦИА-е
је Виллиам Д. Монтгомери (58) веома
моћан човјек у Србији. Главни је
координатор активности са двије повезане
мреже. Једном у САД-у и једном у Србији.
мрежа за финансијску и логистичку
подршку: Пуковник америчке војске
Роберт Хелвеи, Војна обавештајна служба
САД у блиској вези са ЦИА. Господар је
ФМ3-05.30 и ФМ3-05.40 (Физиолошке операције и
операције цивилних послова).
Оснивачи и активисти "ОТПОР" у Србији који су извели државни удар 2000 године су :
Срђа Поповић
др Чедомир Чупић
Вукашин Павловић
др Слободан Хомен
Саша Вукадиновић
Срђан Миливојевић
Ненад Константиновић
Иван Андрић
Слободан Ђиновић
Иван Маровић
Дејан Ранђић
Миљана Јовановић
Бранко Илић
Влада Павлов
Соња Лихт
Соња Бисерко
Предсједник Србије Борис Тадић
/дружином за државне ударе
и рушења легалних држава/
др Чедомир Чупић
Вукашин Павловић
др Слободан Хомен
Саша Вукадиновић
Срђан Миливојевић
Ненад Константиновић
Иван Андрић
Слободан Ђиновић
Иван Маровић
Дејан Ранђић
Миљана Јовановић
Бранко Илић
Влада Павлов
Соња Лихт
Соња Бисерко
У тој дружини су били,
али без фотографија и
др Зоран Стојиљковић
Живорад Анђелковић
Андреј Миливојевић
Богољуб Арсенијевић Маки
Милош Гагић
Предсједник Србије Борис Тадић
/дружином за државне ударе
и рушења легалних држава/